Trying to Get Drawing on a Surface done on VR

Hey! im in my third year of univercity on a games deisgn course, and for my final project im doing something in engine, as i havent dont a lot of that and mainly focused on more creative sides. My idea was to get Graffiti done in VR, and im still rather new to Unreal engine, and trying to get things to work! ive been following tutorials but all seem a little out of date as of Unreal Engine 5, so ive come here to help as everything i try seems to not work!

So im using a Valve Index as my Headset, ive tried adding in specific controls to my system, but to no avail

Paint Material

Canvas Material

Canvas BluePrint

Brush Blueprint

The Two Input Controls i added

VR Pawn Hand Control (theres two controls there as i trying out a different one to see if it worked)

If anyones able to help me fix this - And if anyone knows how i can add this to say a spray can Model too - thank would be amazing as im genuinly stuck! Thanks! :smiley: