Trying to get Character's "on ground" status from PlayerController

I am putting my “Crouch” scripting inside the PlayerController and it works, but I want to add a check to execute the crouch routines only if the player is standing on the ground… meaning he should not be allowed to crouch if he’s in mid-air (jumping, falling etc).

I can’t seem to find any way to check if the Character is standing firmly on the floor… any ideas? I Googled and was told to use Is Flying but that seems to be an AI component and does nothing for the player Character.

there’s a isInAir (or something like that) I believe it is that the animations use to check the state of the player character that you might be able to access and use. I know there is an isFalling

if that isn’t the correct name you should be able to find it in the Player Characters animation BP

this page might help:

Use “Is Walking” to perform your check

That works perfectly, thanks!