Trying to get Camera Movement

I’m making a 2D fighting game using PaperZD and enhanced inputs for a science exhibtion. I made the player movement, a 2nd player, and the spawn points. I want to make the camera move to the average of both players X axis or something similar to it.

Thats where my issue starts. Since the characters are spawned using PlayerStart, I have no way of referencing the character/actor locations, and I’m just stuck at one place. Trying to get all actors by class isn’t working either. How should I get the actor location? If not possible, should I change the spawning mechanic?

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Nevermind I just got it. Basically, the players are characters. To get the characters just use Get Actors by Class node and get the array average location. That can then be connected to the X component and you can make the camera move just like a fighting game.

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