Trying to get both arms to animate

My question is, How do I get both arms for a character to use animations independently?
For example, Think of a sword and shield animation. One arm swings a sword, while the other arm holds up a shield. I can get both arms to animate by taking turns. One arm is either holding up a shield or the other arm is swinging a sword. I want to do both at the push of their designated buttons, to their own timing. I have created an animBP for the sword animation and it works just fine. I created the Animation Instance at the beginning of event play. Also, I used layered blend per bone and separated the body by Its shoulder or clavicle_R to swing the sword. My idea was to create a second AnimBP, add another blended pose and seperate it by the bone clavicle_L. Since I created the first AnimBP at the start of event play, I am unsure how to go about creating the second one, or if its even needed at all. I know this was long, but any information would be appreciated.

I found out the answer to my problem. I had to use a sequencer in the beginning of event play to create the second AnimBP and then in the layered blend per bone section, when I started creating branches, I didn’t realize the branches were separated by indexes. So I was assigning both Clavicle bones under one branch and leaving the other blank.

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