I’m working on a thing in Unreal for an Art Installation, and want my guests to stand in front of a wall that I’m projecting artwork onto. A camera will be capturing them, and generating a heightmap, which I’m using to offset the world position of the pixels within the material. This works so far.
I’m then also creating a basic fluid simulation of the same piece in Niagara which can be disturbed, with the hope that when the user waves their arm around and moves, the ‘oil paint’ kinda distorts and flows around on the wall.
Where I’m struggling is getting the two things to talk to each other. How can I get the original mesh with the world offset material to act as the collision object for the Niagara Simulation?
I’m not amazingly advanced with blueprints or coding so you know, although you can probably guess that.
Here is a video: OilDemo.mp4 - Google Drive