Hello I’m doing a Masters Degree in Renewable Energies and I found a video on simulating solar panels in UE4. The video was very detailed and I followed it exactly but when I compile it doesn’t work. There are some comments on the video talking about that the engine changed in the meantime so the code isn’t exact anymore. I’ve been trying to find the problem and I think I found it.
The video that I followed is this one: UE4 Energy Generation Series - Tutorial 5 Part 1/2 - Solar Panel - YouTube
The only thing that changed noticeably from the tutorial from 2018 it’s this
In the video when he gets component by class the return value it’s already in array mode, but in my BP it has to be converted in array.
I think that this is the problem because when I do the condition later it returns false.
The solar panel is an actor that has 6 cells (static mesh component) called "Cell1, Cell2, Cell3… and a Base)
PD: For some reason if I compile normally it doesn’t work at all, but when I compile the solar panel and press play it work only for one cell and it doesn’t produce power. But that’s unrelated I think.
I don’t have any Idea of UE4 (I only created maps for UT99 when I was like 10 haha), I just tried because I wanted to start using UE4 and it’s seemed like a fun thing to do to get used to it.
Thanks in advance!