Trying to figure out the physics behind the swinging for my grappling hook

Hello :slight_smile:

So I’m trying to make a good swinging system for my project I’m working on. Basically how it works is that I have an actor in the world that serves as a grappling point, and when you’re close enough to the grappling point you press left click and the ThirdPersonCharacter shoots a cable to the point and begins to swing like a pendulum. What I’m looking to create in terms of feel is similar to Wrecking Ball from Overwatch. I’ll post the math down bellow, but basically the problem I have is that when the character reaches the lowest point in his swinging motion he just flips out and either just launches into space or he just starts violently spinning around its pitch. I would really appreciate any ideas on how to approach this problem or some debugging tips. I’ve tried to devise a method to visualize the force that is being acted on my character during the swing animation by doing a line trace but couldn’t really get it to show me anything useful. Thank you in advance guys and keep being beautiful :*