Trying to figure out how to do a payday 2 camera system.

Hi I’m struggling on trying to figure out how to do a payday 2 camera type system, where the camera notified the enemies if the player is within view for x amount of seconds. Anyone know how to do this? i’m new to blueprints as well.

You must notify the enemy when a player begin to overlap a Box Collision (Enemy Vision Range) and then, in every tick, start checking if the player is inside the vision cone. I would make a bool and set it to true.

In every tick, if the player is inside the box collision (overlapping) AND is inside the vision cone, increment the counter. When this counter reaches a value, triggers your “Notify Enemy” logic. If the previous AND condition is false, set the counter to zero.

When the player ends overlapping the Box Collision, set the boolean to false.

I thought about using an invisible cone mesh as a more “realistic” camera view but I didnt know if there was a better way to go about it.