I’m trying to set up blueprints so that after the player is teleported back from a location an actor is destroyed so the player can explore the rest of the level.
I know I’m doing something wrong I’m just trying to figure out what is wrong.
This is the blueprint for the teleporter
and this is the level blueprint
cast to bp wall execute pins are hooked to nothing it will never fire off that way nor will it give a error as it is just empty try making the wall a ref and calling it that way ?
Dabs863 is partially correct. You need to have your Cast Nodes hooked up to Input and Output pins for a proper flow chart. Now, after you hook your pins up, you need an object to cast against the BP_Wall class. So try this setup:
This is all you’ll need to teleport to your actor
This is the Only place you’ll need to destroy the BP_Wall actor
And to be completely Honest, You shouldn’t even need to cast to the BP_Wall class. If your actor is placed in the world before your game starts. You can just make a variable by selecting on the Wall and right clicking in you Level blueprint like you did for the Teleport BP. Just use that as the actor to destroy. Like this: