Trying to copy-pase options menu from my previous game, but my cast to save file always fails

I was working on a new project and decided to just copy-paste my options system from my previous game, as making save games and UIs is hard, but I’m having a weird issue of my casts always failing. No error or warning appears, it simply executes the “Cast failed” pin.
This is 1:1 copy from the previous project, in which this worked perfectly fine.
This happens in all my blueprints, not only the player one.
Anyone knows how I can salvage this?

hi @V_vix

If the cast is failing then there is one of 2 things. there is nothing there to cast to “None” or the BP_GameSettings is not of the correct type or child of the correct type.

after loading your game slot try sending it to a print node from the object pin see what value it gives you. normally it will return the object name.

Also, did you import the BP_GameSettings blueprint into your new project also? if its missing then it will fail.

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Makes sense. I tried to plug it to print text, but didn’t thought to use a string instead.
The print function gives back nothing. Print is connected, but no text appears, like if it was null or something.

Yup. I used Migrate function, so all references are intact

Apparently, I cannot create a save file either. Using a branch, it always returns a false value on save attempts


Ladies and gentlemen: I am an idiot!
The save game object is created in main menu. The main menu which my old project has, but the new one doesn’t.
Fixed it by putting this in the options menu:

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