Trying to connect Unreal (5) to a LED wall

Newbie here trying to do something real simple I guess. Can someone lead me to a link on how to get Unreal to project on a LED wall?

Got two Display Port(DP) from PC Nvidia(A6000) going to two Novastar MCTRL4K units, which controls our LED wall.

When I plug in I can see the LED wall as "normal " screens and move my Unreal Project to the LED wall, but I get the windows and stuff. I just want to display what the camera displays. Is there some tutorial? Instructions somewhere?

Is F11 any good?

You are going to want to set up nDisplay and send the virtual camera signal out that way to your LED Wall and processors. There are several good tutorials on setting up nDisplay on youtube and the dev community education portal.

Not feeling too bright right now, since Shift F11 worked! Thank you.

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On a previous attempt I did get the nDisplay working INSIDE Unreal, but could not figure out how to project THAT to the LED. Do you have those youtube links? been getting stuff that just flies through it assuming certain things. Thank you so much.

Try one of these links and see if that helps.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

Hopefully it will work with Unreal 5!

Got it to work on 4.27, but not on 5.1. Will have to do a little research, to see if this is possible…

Trying to get nDisplay to work with Switchboard, but it tells me:
Node_0: Listener version 1.6.0 not compatible (2.1.x required)

Now looking to wher I can download the latest Listener…

I ended up uninstalling the whole thing(5.1) then installing it again. The version is currently at 2.1.1.)

Got 5.1 to work on the LED!

Been able to recreate the projection in dif Unreal Projects(5.1).

But not able to navigate. it seems to use world 0,0,0 as the default position on LED as soon as I fire it up. It does this all the time on the dif projects. Anyone have any idea why?

If you want the nDIsplay camera to follow player’s camera, check the “follow local player camera” option inside the nDisplay configuration:


Thank you for that. I did turn that on, and I can get it to maneuver in 5.1. The issue is when I launch the Switchboard Listener to our LED wall. I can view it on the wall, but can’t navigate in the wall. Strangely it starts and stays in a world view 0,0,0. but not where the camera is, not can I move it.