I am tying to create an interactable Canvas that can appear and disappear with 0 delay
I am saving already the Canvas in a map and I use it every time I need it. The delay is pretty low, but I need it to be 0
set AllAgentsCanvasUI[Agent] = option{Canvas}
The only way that I found to get a perfect delay is using the functions Canvas.SetVisibility(widget_visibility.Collapsed) / Canvas.SetVisibility(widget_visibility.Visible) the problem is, you can not change player_ui_slot{InputMode := ui_input_mode.None}) (?) once you created the canvas
Here @Warkingi suggested using a “Dummy” Canvas that allow you to do this, but you can not interact in the desired Canvas
Does anyone else find Verse UI really slow? - #8 by davidpkami
I am a bit anxious trying to solve this issue. Is it possible to change InputMode := ui_input_mode.None once you create the Canvas?