Trying to build unreal engine from source

I have some trouble with opening my project with visual studio, i’m using this tutorial : How to Build Unreal Engine from Source - YouTube

After building the engine and convert a project to the UE4 source version, the narrator told us to open the project with visual studio, but i don’t have the visual studio version of my BP project.
Then to fix this (not mentioned in the video) i try to right click and try to click on “Generate visual studio project files” there are an error who said “This project does not have any source code. You need to add C++ source files to the project from the editor before you can generate project files”…

Can someone please help me with this issue ?
Can’t find anything on internet

Thank you all for your time & for your precious help

Okay i’ve open my project, assign Visual Studio 2017, and just created an empty actor C++, register it and then closed.

I’ve tryied again to right click on my UE4 project and click on “Generate visual studio project files” and i got this error :

“Running F:/UE_4.23_SOURCE/UE_4.23/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -progress -log=“F:\UE_4.23_SOURCE\UE_4.23\DuoCars - CODE SOURCE VERSION/Saved/Logs/UnrealVersionSelector-2020.04.01-23.28.43.log”
While compiling F:\UE_4.23_SOURCE\UE_4.23\DuoCars - CODE SOURCE VERSION\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\DuoCarsModuleRules.dll:
f:\UE_4.23_SOURCE\UE_4.23\DuoCars - CODE SOURCE VERSION\Intermediate\Source\DuoCars.Build.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: L’espace de noms ‘<espace de noms global>’ contient d?j? une d?finition de ‘DuoCars’ (1)
f:\UE_4.23_SOURCE\UE_4.23\DuoCars - CODE SOURCE VERSION\Intermediate\Source\DuoCars.Target.cs(3,14) : error CS0101: L’espace de noms ‘<espace de noms global>’ contient d?j? une d?finition de ‘DuoCarsTarget’ (2)
ERROR: Unable to compile source files.”

For people who don’t speak french :
***(1) : *** In english it’s mean : The name space ‘<global space name>’ already contain a defenition of ‘DuoCars’
***(2) : *** In english it’s mean : The name space ‘<global space name>’ already contain a defenition of ‘DuoCarsTarget’

DuoCars is my project name

Thank you again !