I’m trying to build my plugin on UE 5.2, but the following error is showing up:
C++ function (declared at line xx of) cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function
The problem is in the use of the UBlackboardComponent, I’m defining it like this:
BBComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBlackboardComponent>(TEXT("BlackBoardComp"));
UBlackboardData* const bbData = BehaviorTree->BlackboardAsset;
Then, when I try to get a key from the UBlackboardComponent:
targetActorKey = BBComponent->GetKeyID("TargetActor");
I’m getting this error:
C++ function (declared at line xx of) cannot be referenced – it is a deleted function
I don’t know if I can share UE code, assuming it is open source, I will share the code of the FBlackboard:
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "UObject/NameTypes.h"
namespace FBlackboard
const FName KeySelf = TEXT("SelfActor");
// this is the legacy BB key size. Add AI_BLACKBOARD_KEY_SIZE_8 to your *.target.cs to enable it.
using FKey = uint8;
inline constexpr FKey InvalidKey = FKey(-1);
//the default BB key size is now 16
struct FKey
constexpr FKey() = default;
FKey(int32 InKey) {Key = IntCastChecked<uint16>(InKey); }
constexpr FKey(uint16 InKey) : Key(InKey) {}
constexpr FKey(uint8 InKey) = delete;
constexpr operator int32() const { return Key; }
constexpr operator uint16() const { return Key; }
constexpr operator uint8() const = delete;
constexpr bool operator==(const FKey& Other) const {return Key == Other.Key;}
constexpr bool operator!=(const FKey& Other) const {return Key != Other.Key;}
friend uint32 GetTypeHash(const FKey& Key);
uint16 Key = static_cast<uint16>(-1);
inline constexpr FKey InvalidKey = FKey();
inline uint32 GetTypeHash(const FKey& Key) { return ::GetTypeHash(Key.Key);}
Can anyone help me please?
Many thanks!