Trying to build for ios in xcode. Missing precompiled manifest for 'Launch'

I’m trying to package and play a blank unreal project on my iphone. The profiles and certificate is setup and works fine. I can compile and create an ipa from the unreal editor.
However xcode does not want to cooperate.

  1. The create xcode project rightclick command does nothing.
  2. To fix this, I create an empty c++ class within the project, and this creates an xcode project.
  3. When I open the project, edit the scheme, change to development, select the iphone as target.
  4. Press play, so it starts building, and fails with the following error:

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ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest for ‘Launch’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in to override.

Any hint on to how to solve this would be great. I do not see any file in my project.
Also would be great if there exist a guide somewhere on how to use xcode, ue and ios.

I have a bigger project which I had running on ios before, but after a year devpause and a number of upgrades, then it failed to even open on the mac. So to remove any unknowns, I wanted to get an empty project working.
Appreciate any help!

Also, is building from xcode required/recommended? It looks like the package and ipa generation works fine from unreal, so are there cases when this will not be enough?

I meet the same issue,ue version is 4.26.1.xcode version is 12.0.1 & 10.2,same operation and same result.

Missing precompiled manifest for ‘Launch’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set ‘PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;’ in to override.

how to solve this issue? I would be thankful for any help.

I have the same issue in UE5 …