I’m trying to make my character pull out and put away phone i made 2 animations and placed them in ABP_Manny and i cant figure out how to make walk,run, jump, fall animations to work all together because in ABP manny is only one animation working deppends which i connect to output pose i add some pictures
And how do i make phone only spawn once when i click action button because i need it to dissapear after i click it second time and again appear when i click action button , i have variable
PhoneRaised ? but how do i use it to make it
i was trying to do montage of those 2 animations i want it to be with the same keybind (T) i made a variable to check if phone is raised or is it NOT raised but when im clicking T it plays only the Raising animation , but i need to play RaisePhone if phone is not being raised currently and if it is i need to PutPhone away
okay i did it like you showed me but switched Set phoneraised tick marks , and now its working like intended but how do i make that my character could still be doing walking animation and running animation while doing the phone raise animation because when i click T it raises the phone and walking or running animation is not working anymore till i put the phone away by clicking T again
im very thankfull for the help ill look into that node on youtube , do you think that navigating and using that phone will work while also doing other animations ? im going for a phone GTA 5 style but ill use it for other purposes