Trying to access child actor's variables and events but unable to do it

Basically, I made a Actor Blueprint called Waypoint which gets and store the distance between this Waypoint and the Player. I made another TextRender Actor Blueprint called Text2Display-W with a variable and a event of displaying the text in the variable.
I dragged the Text2Display-W Blueprint from content browser to Waypoint 's Component Tab, and dragged the Text2Display-W block from Component Tab to Event Browser, trying to get it while executing events.
I tried to execute the event written in Text2Display-W but i’m unable to access:

It’s telling me that I’m actually dragging a child actor component, not the Text2Display actor component:

I’m not sure how to fix this problem, can someone help me explain why? I’m thinking of this system being similar to Unity’s component system.

BTW, I made it working by using Get All Actors Of Class method, but I’m trying to optimize it.

Pull from the reference and search for ‘get child actor’, then from there you need to cast to your actor type, then you can access it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help! It it right to assume that through dragging it from the reference, I’m getting the Child Actor Component of that Actor, but I actually need it’s Text2Display BP Actor Component to execute custom events in Text2DisplayBP?

By dragging, you get the child actor from the child actor component. But it’s still a generic actor, so you have to cast, to reinterpret as your blueprint.