TryGetPawnOwner returns none

Hi all,

I am working on a third person animation system by following the 3rd Person Game with Blueprints tutorial series. I hit a problem though where my TryGetPawnOwner returns none in my anim blueprint which means my Speed variable doesn’t get set so I can’t control my character at all. I have posted screenshots and details in the animation section of the forums here and in the AnswerHub here but have unfortunately received no solution yet so I was wondering if anyone here might be able to help, I’m really hopeful someone here can as I’m loosing a lot of time on this issue.


If you need any more info I’d be more than happy to oblige!


Not sure any more that the try get pawn owner is the problem :confused: I just opened the third person example scene and that works ok despite the fact that the get pawn owner returns none on that too. I’ve been tweaking various settings to see if I can get any clue as to what is going on. I tried changing the root motion setting in the anim blueprint and I got some animation coming through. So for some reason when I set this to Root Motion from Everything all animation, (inc. any capsule movement) is switched off, i.e. no walk cycle animation on the actor and no translation of the actor through the level. Could there be something wrong with my root? I fairly sure its animated right.

I just looked at mine and it does return not valid, however that is just because i am just previewing it i believe. When I test in the editor i can see it be valid.

You’ve done that right? Like actually tested it?

Also make sure in the characterBP you set what animation instance youre using. (click on the character mesh to find it)

Yep, definitely tested it, probably a few hundred times by now lol! I’m referencing the anim blueprint in the character blueprint as below. As well as recreating my project from scratch I’ve also recreated my anim blueprint from scratch again within that. So whenever I turn on root motion my animation doesn’t play when I test. If I turn it off it plays but it obviously looks broken because my character translates on top of the capsule translation. Why would root motion stop all animation from playing??!


I also followed same tutorial in Youtube and hit the same problem.
As some people encountered the same error, there’s must be step omitted in tutorial since version 4.7 came released after
tutorial is released.
Oh well, looks like i need to download version 4.8 and follow the updated tutorial for v4.8

Give it a go but i followed the 4.7 version of the tutorial and the 4.8 version with the same results. I’ve run out of time for this now, i was making this example system to present but im just going to have to present a much less comprehensive final result than i wanted and try to figure this out by doing tests with some simpler rigs.

So are you getting the same when you switch root motion on and off? You get motion when its off but none when its on?