Try Get Pawn Owner and Get Owning Actor not working

Hi, i usually do not post directly a question but i’m really lost at the moment. I modified the default FirstPerson_AnimBP, paired with a blend space to move the arm of the default skeleton when i drag my mouse. The problem is, i try to retrieve the x and y coordinates that i calcute from my FirstPersonCharacter BP but it seems it doesnt even get the pawn owner or actor owner.
this shows how i get the pawn owner:

this is the AnimGraph inside the animationBP:

This is my FirstPersonBlueprint, i can take more screenshots if its not clear.

In the last image, the animation class selected is Custom_FirstPerson_AnimBP, which is the animationBP I modified.


I can’t see the last image, however, could you tell me the reason you are casting the FIRSTPERSONCHARACTER in the Animation Event Graph?

TryGetPawnOwner/GetOwningActor/GetPlayerCharacter + Cast is redundant (unless you’re trying to differentiate between actors using the same Animation Blueprint).

I followed a tutorial that did this but i can see why its redundant.
Also, here is a cleaner screenshot of the details of the firstpersoncharacter bp.