True First Person in 4.8

Hi all. Following this video tutorial, updating where necessary to make this work in 4.8. But I’ve run into a problem trying to attach the CameraBoom to the socket.

CameraBoom->AttachTo(Mesh, "HeadSocket");

D:\M\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pilot\Source\Pilot\PilotCharacter.cpp(55): warning C4996: ‘ACharacter::Mesh’: Mesh should not be accessed directly, please use GetMesh() function instead. Mesh will soon be private and your code will not compile. Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.

Pretty new to this, so I’m not sure what I would need to change for this to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance all!

It literally tells you :slight_smile:

CameraBoom->AttachTo(GetMesh(), “HeadSocket”);


Sorry about the delay. Yeah that worked perfectly.

Makes a lot of sense too.

Thanks a lot!