TRPG movement and interaction - what's the better approach to controling characters?

Hello, I’m trying to make a very simple TRPG/RTS-like control system where player can select characters (not posses) and then issue orders, mainly move or interact with object on right click.
For example something like Divinity Original Sin 2 or Baldurs Gate 3.
Now I have very makeshift system that does this using Event ActorOnClicked, but I was wondering if it’s possible to get a similar effect using Enhanced Input System.
Unfortunately most of tutorials I found used ActorOnClicked. And while I don’t think it’s necceserly something I should change, I do feel like it would give me slightly more control over right click behaviour.
What I was thinking about is whenever player clicks on something, it would return tag (if it has one).
Then based on tag I could select characters and cast object to selected characters.

To sum up

  1. Player clicks on Character.
  2. Player Controller checks tag, if it’s Character then set as Active Character.
  3. With selected Character, player clicks an interactable object.
  4. Player Controller checks tag, if it’s interactable object then set it as Character target.

I’m still new to Unreal so I’m looking for tips or advice how should I work this out, if possible I want to have solid base that I can later expand, ie. selecting multiple Characters.

I use interfaces instead of Tags, you’ll want one to send ‘commands’ anyway like your ‘interaction’

also i use GetHitResultUnderCursor() instead of ActorOnClicked() as you may want other information about the world, like a move location

Thank you, GetHitResultUnderCursor() seems to be what I was looking for.
As for tags, I will read up about interfaces.