Hello! I am having some issues getting my animations to replicate. Everything in my anim graph is working correctly when I do it with 1 player so I assume the issue is not there. Here is a picture of how I am trying to set the driving variable:
The weird thing is, when I am on the client and click attack, the server sees him swing his weapon just fine, 100% of the time. However 90% of the time, the client has nothing happen for him, but sometimes the attack does register for him and he swings.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
EDIT: Oddly if I double click before my first attack executes, the client will always attack. Ok, this leads me to believe there is some issue in my animation blueprint after all…
Well, I figured that one out faster than I thought I would haha… The answer was pretty tricky! The problem was how I had my attack system set up. I had a boolean variable “IsQueued” that was checked every frame. If IsQueued was true, it would inititate the first swing of the anim montage and then set IsQueued to false. Then near the end of the swing I had branching points in the montage. When those branching points fired, it would check to see if IsQueued was set to true again to initiate the next attack in the chain, and so on.
The problem was the server would set IsQueued, see it was true, initiate the next swing, and then set it to false all in the same frame. This way the server never replicated the variable because by the end of the frame technically it had not changed states. I resolved this by having a boolean variable for every step of the attack sequence, instead of only one that I constantly turned on and off.