Hello! Relatively new to Unreal. Having trouble retargetting animations between two meshes I created in Blender.
Some context: I created my own hands in Blender. I exported the left and right hand separately. This worked great but ran into an issue later. I had idle animations on each hand separately and they would drift and become offset after some time. I met with another Unreal dev who said the best way to address this would be to combine the 2 separate hand meshes into 1 mesh, so I did that.
Now I’d like to retarget the animations from the separate hands to the new combined hands.
I created a custom IK retargetter, and made IK rigs for the separate hands and the combined hands.
The retarget of the animations works great, but I need to apply the initial pose I do with the hands during the retargetting. I created a pose asset of the combined hands in the initial state I’d like them to be in, but as soon as I apply the pose the target no longer moves the same.
Can anyone help? Would truly appreciate it if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Retargetted animation without the pose applied:
Retargetted animation with the pose applied: