Hello, I’m having trouble setting up a simple ai that moves towards a target. I get a message telling me movement is not allowed. I’ve posted pictures of the level blueprint and the pawn settigns of the character. The blueprint for the pawn itself is empty, as it was in the tutorial I was watching. I’m not concerned at the moment with animations playing when the pawn moves, I only need movement at the moment.
Hey, does you character have a AIController and do you have a navmesh volume in the level?
I have it set to AiController under the pawn settings, is there another AiController setting I must enable?
Yes, there is auto possess AI just above AI Controller class inside your Character’s pawn default settings. You can set it to Placed in world or spawned. By default is it set to placed in world so if you spawn your ai character but did not spawn his default controller aswell, the character doesn’t have a controller. But with the new option that epic created you can just set to Placed in world or spawned and it should work.
I’m getting the same error when I select that setting, “simple movement failed for AiController_1:Movement not Allowed”
I’m not 100% sure, but I think you need to cast the controller in your level blueprint to an AI Controller. I don’t think controllers have access to Simple Move to Location. Just pull off that blue pin on the Get Controller and start typing Cast; AI Controller should be in the list.
If that doesn’t get you anything, but the error disappears then check that you have a navigation mesh bounds volume placed.
That made the error disappear but he still wont move. I was able to recreate a working ai using the third person template for some reason. I will probably just save the level itself and import it into a fresh project.