Why when I imported APEX apx file to my mesh, it broken my mesh?
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Why when I imported APEX apx file to my mesh, it broken my mesh?
Video with repro steps:
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Still not resolved
Hello ,
I am linking you this youtube tutorial on apex cloth.
What I believe to be the issue is I see only a hair mesh in your scene.
I do not see your character.
On any other tutorial I have seen the object is imported and then the APEX cloth is applied.
This is the first link that shows a character being imported and then they search for the apex cloth.
This second link is the official digital tutors tutorial of how import the cloth itself.
Hi, Bailey!
Did you see, that imported mesh of hair is skeleton mesh? If it skeleton mesh, it must to be able to receive some imported animation, right? And if there will be some animation, then skeleton mesh will be animated. And if it will be animated, it will make some motions, right?
And if it make some motions, why it must contain character for that?
And if “hairs” stand-alone skeleton mesh, it must be able to receive some APEX cloth data for clothing.
And, yes, it receive APEX data. But parts with APEX data have more smaller size, than initial skeleton mesh. Why it reduced in size on connecting APEX data to the part of the mesh?
Hi Arthur,
So if you follow the tutorials verbatim and you are still experiencing the issue then post again.
If not then the issue could be a workflow one.
Hi Arthur,
I haven’t heard from you in a few days. I was wondering if you were still experiencing this issue or if you had a chance to follow the above mentioned steps.
Your answer is meaningless and useless. You did not help me solve my question. It is a pity that there is no possibility to put into your negative karma.
Hello Arthur,
I do apologize for the misunderstanding earlier.
I had hoped to explain what I knew of APEX cloth and see if there were any discrepancies between what I knew and what you were creating. I am sorry if I didn’t explain that well enough.
From the video I noticed that you were applying the APEX cloth to Element 0 on LOD 0. Next to that Element is a check box for Highlight. This will illuminate the mesh which the element is assigned to. This will help us see if that is indeed where the APEX cloth should be assigned.
The other thing that I notice is that you are using the Full Skeletal mesh that is assigned to your character as your base for your Hair Mesh.
A skeletal mesh, when imported into UE4, inherits world space information from UE4. So, what the engine expects is for you to import your skeletal mesh with your static mesh, with all parts attached, and UE4 assigns Element slots for all of your meshes that you have attached.
Whenever you opened that hair, I would expect to see one slot with one LOD. If it itself had its own skeletal mesh, separate from your Character Skeletal mesh, assigned to just the hair, then I would expect to see it with its own skeletal mesh. However, whenever you assigned the Character Skeletal mesh to the hair then the hair inherited all of the values that were assigned to that Character Skeletal mesh.
So, when you assigned the apex cloth, it’s information is now being inherited from the Character Skeletal mesh, including world coordinates, which when applied the pivot is staying at the Skeletal Mesh’s pivot and then stretching up to where the hair is trying to calculate where it should be.
I meant no disrespect and was merely trying to compare what you were showing in your video with the information from Industry Professionals and see if this was a workflow issue or indeed a bug.
If you would let me know if there are any differences between your workflow and what is our recommended workflow.
We would like to recreate this issue here but at this time we are unable to.
With this I believe we can move forward with this and figuring out what the issue is.
Thank you,
I have the solution for you
You are ungrateful, trying to help with different options, you probably dont know how to follow a tutorial, You also dont know read, is very sad see people like you, dont have education, so there is no solution for you.
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