Trouble With Collisions and Radial Forces

Hello, I’ve come to share my troubles and hopefully get some help with a problem I’ve been struggling with for a while now. The gist of everything is that I’ve tied overlap events with collisions on the player that, when activated during attack animations, are supposed to fire off impulses that launch the other player that was hit away from the attacker. I’ve managed to kind of work things out, but the hit event doesn’t actually work half of the time it seems. I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing wrong because I’ve massively upped the power of the impulse and it still only seems like things are working a fraction of the time.

How is Launch handled? Are you feeding it data from Any Damage? Assuming here that players control characters.


I’m not one-hundred percent sure about the first question (Apologies, I’m pretty new to this as you can likely can), but I know that I want the launches to be handled by radial forces that are attached to a character. These forces are activated by collisions on the player that create overlap events, but only during attack animations.
As for the second question, I’m also not entirely sure what you’re referring to, but if you mean the point damage at the end of the hit effects, then that’s just something I was playing around with (Mostly just because of experimentation with destructible objects).w

Thank you for the reply by the way!

  • the attacker is my RMB dropping radial damage bombs:

We apply radial damage to everything in the radius.

  • the player receives said damage:

Converts it into direction and the force depends on the amount of damage received.

That’s what I meant by Launch and receiving (Radial) Damage.

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Ah, I see now! I get what you’re doing, thank you for the explanation!

. . . Sadly though, I tried out your proposed solution and players still aren’t being launched when hit. I set up everything just as you did in your blueprints, but it still doesn’t seem to be working. I figured out that Apply Radial Damage is being activated, but for some reason, never does anything. I put up a string at the end of the Apply Radial Damage and it’s printing, but none of its effects or any of the events after are ever visible, not even the debug sphere.

How about now:

but none of its effects or any of the events after are ever visible, not even the debug sphere.

Looks like the Sweep Data is the culprit. How is Left Hand being moved here?

For the first thing, it doesn’t seem like anything has changed.
As for the second, the left hand is bound to a socket on the mesh skeleton and is moving through a hit animation where the left arm is swung at the opponent.

Does this print True?


No, it seems to only print false.

Sweep has no data. Let’s dig into that.

Can we see the script responsible for the movement of Left Hand?

It’s pretty long and messy since it was one of the first things I made when I started using Unreal, but sure! Take a look!

Can you test it by enlarging the colliding element? The Left Hand is what exactly, a collision sphere?

I find it hard to visualise what could be going on; I am now thinking that, perhaps, the collision is obstructed by the capsule of the character - this would explain it working every now & then:

I’ve managed to kind of work things out, but the hit event doesn’t actually work half of the time it seems.

The Left Hand is a collision box on the character. Also, if you need to see what something looks like on the character, I’m happy to share!

(The sphere with the red lines is collision for another attack I’ve been trying to get to work, but it’s having the same issue as this one.)

Also, I tried enlarging it (1.5X the size in the image above) and it didn’t seem to have any effect.

Look more than fine. Not sure at this point. I’m getting a positive sweep result from a skeletal mesh socket attached collision volume on my end. Not that it helps much.

Admittedly, animation and networking is not a cuppa I drink out of on a daily basis. Hope someone more knowledgeable can chip in.

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Ah, no worries! I’m just glad you even attempted to help out :>! You also were able to teach me about things I hadn’t considered before, so thank you for that much!

So I’ve managed to kinda get things working now (?), but not to the degree that I’d like. . .
I changed the overlap event to a hit event, which does trigger the radial damage and the things after it, but it also only works half of the time, and the other half of the time the player who was hit is knocked back a somewhat random amount.
I’m assuming this knockback is from the physics collision with the hand now that it’s using BlockAll instead of OverlapAll. If I could disable physics interactions and somehow just use the hand for hit events, that’d be a viable solution, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any setting that’s able to do that.