I am very new to the unreal engine platform and I’m trying to make a top down turn based strategy game where you can control multiple units from a free moving camera unit, the sort of thing you would see in a game like Dota 2 or league. Currently, I’m using the player controller to posses different pawns when they have been clicked on. The possession script works fine, however, once the pawn has been possessed the camera view changes to that of the pawn. Even after unpossessing the pawn, the view remains the same and the player control loses its ability to move around freely. I tried a variety of things, including manually changing the view using the set view target with blend function. Nothing seems to be fixing the problem. Here is my player controller code:
Have you tried deleting the camera from the pawns?
Yes, even after deleting the pawn’s camera component the player control still assumes the position of the pawn. I disabled the auto manage camera option in player controller and I tried resetting the camera view using the set view target blend function, nothing seems to work. The weirdest part is, I added the camera component back just to see what would happen and as expected the view was changed to the pawn’s camera. After deleting the camera, the view instead changes to be directly on top of the pawn.
I have had similar issues with .25
basically unable to have a player character and a player start within the same level that work independently.
I actually use 2 blueprints/actors. One is the character, one is the debug camera that I have set within the game mode.
When you begin play the spawns are correct, but the camera is catapulted into a random one on the blueprint placed within the level - despite auto activate and auto possess being off.
I haven’t bothered looking into what gives yet… surely it is some setting of some sort thats allowing this to happen.
However, set view with blend only works on other actors so if you are changing camera inside the same object you can’t expect it to work unless the camera is a child actor…