Trouble with Blueprint Interface

I’m trying to understand bluerpints interface, but for some reason I don’t manage to make it work.
I have the following nodes:

In bp_actor_1:


In bp_actor_2:


They are both on a empty level.
They both have the inreface implemented.
But for some reason, the “Event player move levels” just don’t fire in Bp_actor_2.

In order to call a BPI function on some other actor you need a target - a reference to that other actor. Besides that, you’re calling local implementation…

More info here:

And here:

They are both on a empty level. They
both have the inreface implemented.

Think about a situation where you have:

  • 1 bp_actor_1
  • 10 bp_actor_2

How would bp_actor_1 know which bp_actor_2 we need to send the message to? We need to target a specific instance of the actor. Currently, you’re targeting bp_actor_1 with bp_actor_1. That will not work.

But, if I want that bp_actor_1 to send the message to all bp_actor_2, it shouldn’t be a problem, isn’t it?

Not a problem. But those actors don’t know about each other’s existence - you still need a reference. If you placed both actors in the Level, you can just reference them directly:

  • above, actorA has a reference variable of actorB type
  • the variable is flagged as Instance Editable
  • now actorA can choose which actorB is referenced

But now you need no interface…

Works perfectly now. Thanks!!!