While moving around large sections of my level I somehow forgot to turn on the snap tool. And now trying to move objects at proper angles is impossible. Even when I rotate everything wrong from the top down view back as close as i can get to the grid they objects when pulling them along X they start drifting Y as well. Is there a simple fix for this?
Also strange things have occured where I selected a room with actors from the top down view, moved it across the map and then the actors that i brought have all shifted a bit, or are in weird places
You can use “Ctrl + End” to snap selected actors to nearest grid. That works for location snap but not for angle snap though.
Good to know. Why wouldn’t there be a way to snap objects back to the closest angle on the clockwheel so to speak? I might have to go back 4 or 5 hours of work just to get things back to where they were…