Trouble setting up blueprints for First Person variable movement speed

I was able to do this before with another character but can’t get it to work now. I am setting my inputs so that the player can use the mouse scroll wheel to adjust their movement speed up and down. I’ve attached my blueprints. Can anyone give me some direction on what I am doing wrong?

It does look like your blueprint should work fine, maybe your InputAction isn’t set up correctly?

Since you’re using the movement component, you could have one less function and only increase the Movement Components Max Speed

( Mouse Wheel Axis gives you 1.0 or -1.0 )

We are adjusting the Max Speed by +1.0 or -1.0 from the Axis Values, if you want a faster rate of change, just multiply the Adjust Speed before adding it.

This way you won’t need the Adjust Move Forward function, hopefully, this is of use to you.

Thanks! I figured out that the my mouse scroll up and scroll down were also being used by something else and cancelling out being able to use it on my character’s speed adjustment.

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