Trouble setting Inventory (shooter example)

Hey guys,

First time posting here, I so far have been able to google my way out of my questions and troubles but this one has kept me going for too long.

I am using the code from the Shooter Example, The problem is that I am lost on the order the functions need to happen and would love some direction on accessing and altering the inventory.

I made most of the functions blueprintcallable to handle the actual connections there.
That way I figured it would be easier to build up on, for instance, is overlapping weapon equal to current equipped? Get ammo from overlapped gun or switch and drop ect.

I tried a lot of takes on it before asking, but it feels like the server never picks up on the changes I try and make to the inventory through blueprints.
I can print and see the inventory, I can remove weapons from its index, but to make changes to even the spawn default inventory or the current inventory are ignored.

I have seen a lot of tutorials out there, but rather than overhauling the example that is set up in c++, I would like to understand this one better and fix it properly. Either in c++ or having it blueprintable. If anyone could take a moment and point me in the right direction it would make my day.

Here is the code that the shooter example is using:
(just noticed the resolution of the image is compressed, will fix that)

Thank you!

Took some time but I figured out how to get everything working and documented it here.