Trouble on environment concept art to level design workflow

Hi guys,

I saw a YouTube speed level designs using UE4 and he made it based on one angle. From other angles, they are just some meshes over the place just so it looks great from that one angle. I was thinking, is that how I should start off with? How do I make the level design to play based on that?

I am new to 3D gamedev stuff (I’m used to 2D), and now lost at the workflow here. If I start making the concept art for a level (say a dungeon), I don’t know where to start to make a good level design. If I start the level design first (the blocks and such), I’m worried it contradicts the concept art later.

I want to make a challenging places to play with, but I also want it to look beautiful at most corners. The game would almost be top down though, but there are some spots where you can see the scenes.

In 2D, I just make the level design first, then beautify it later, which doesn’t seem to be a problem. Would it be the same approach? What’s your workflow to deal with this?


A fairly standard approach to this problem, and the one I use personally / professionally, is to do a very basic 3D layout first - even before the concept. Either in Unreal, your standard 3D modelling package, or in tool like wings3D or SketchUp (my personal favorite).

This lets you work out massing, overall spacial layout, perspective, form, etc. in a short space of time.

You can do a simple clayrender of this massing study, and use it as the basis for the concept art. You can also use it to help decide how to split up your levels, what modular pieces you need to build, and so on. That way, you can guarantee that everything will ‘work’ in the end - and not create a beautiful concept that isn’t possible to actually build.

Allright then I’ll start off with the basic 3D layout first. Thanks!