I’m trying to make my character spin and slowly lift up when they come in contact with a tornado. The rotation works fine but I can’t seem to get the lifting action to take place.
I have a value set ‘Rise Rate’ to adjust how fast id like them to lift up but whats happening is they stay grounded for anything <4000 and if it is set >4000 the character shoots up extreamly fast.
Also if I jump with a lower value set my character also shoots up.
I’ve tried both AddActorLocalOffset and AddActorWorldOffset.
This is all being done withing my player BP, I have ‘In Tornado’ set by beginning or ending collision with the tornado BP.
You could use a timelime to lift the player. I have used a keypress in my test, but you could check if your boolean InTornado is true. If true then play timelime. The timelime adjust the player’s location on the z axis.