Trouble lifting character with blueprint

I’m trying to make my character spin and slowly lift up when they come in contact with a tornado. The rotation works fine but I can’t seem to get the lifting action to take place.
I have a value set ‘Rise Rate’ to adjust how fast id like them to lift up but whats happening is they stay grounded for anything <4000 and if it is set >4000 the character shoots up extreamly fast.
Also if I jump with a lower value set my character also shoots up.
I’ve tried both AddActorLocalOffset and AddActorWorldOffset.

This is all being done withing my player BP, I have ‘In Tornado’ set by beginning or ending collision with the tornado BP.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could use a timelime to lift the player. I have used a keypress in my test, but you could check if your boolean InTornado is true. If true then play timelime. The timelime adjust the player’s location on the z axis.

  1. For the timelime and a float called:
  2. For the first keyframe set time : 0
    value: 0
  3. For the last keyframe set time: 1
    value: 160
  4. or adjust these to set your desired

I’ve never messed with timeliness yet, I’ll have to look into this. Thanks for the info.

Another solution might be using Launch Character and set the Z axis to how high you want to launch the character.

That actually worked pretty well, but i feel like time line is something i should know more about so I’ll be looking into making that work