[Trouble] DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine

Please help me and make my life easier.
I want to run game oftenly created in UE4 and I get shot in my head with message box “DX11 feature level 10.0 is required to run the engine.”
I use UE4 daily but i can’t handle this error because it is unacceptable for me. It became problem suddenly. Probably after game update.
In dxdiag.exe it says that I have DirectX 12 and all feature levels, i have very good GPU and enough big components to run any game.
Namely, within info that says i have DX12, it still shows this error. I updated my drivers, updated DX, and I tried that swag with dxcpl.exe.
This error is experienced by many players and I think it’s one of the worst errors that can be found in any game.
I beg you to post solution with biggest % of success. Please!