Trouble creating C++ project in UE5 EA

i am having a similar issue whenever i try to open up a blank C++ template, although the code im getting looks a bit different. i am unsure of WHAT specifically is causing this issue but needless to say i cannot open up any templates if it is going to open with C++ but i can however open them if it is via blueprint… any ideas?

Running C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.1/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Build.bat -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/micha/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/Code_World/Code_World.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
Running UnrealBuildTool: dotnet “…..\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool\UnrealBuildTool.dll” -projectfiles -project=“C:/Users/micha/OneDrive/Documents/Unreal Projects/Code_World/Code_World.uproject” -game -rocket -progress
‘dotnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

figured out my own issue. apparently a .net file was missing. not sure how or why but hey its working… for now.

HI @halo_liberation !

Can you please clarify how you were able to solve your problem? I got exactly same error but did not quite get it where .net file was missing in your situation
