Trouble compiling UE4Engine for Android

I am trying to compile the latest release (4.10-preview3) for the Android platform.
Everything compiles correctly but fails at link time. It can’t link the android versions of the various third-party libraries.

I have attached the build log with the failing link here

I have looked into Engine\Source\ThirdParty\ICU, for example, and see that there are bats for building the libraries and that the *.Build.cs files contain references to where the android libs should be.

However, there are no clear instructions about how to properly build all of the necessary android libraries.
The bat files contain lines like “REM Missing Android, Linux, HTML5”

What am I missing to get this to work?

Thank you for your time,

I guess, what I am really wondering is if we are supposed to hand compile each of the required third party libraries or is there an automated process for doing it?

Thank you