Anyone know or know any tutorial / marketplace that generates wall as in the tron movie. Or what could be the best approach? Splines?
Anyone know or know any tutorial / marketplace that generates wall as in the tron movie. Or what could be the best approach? Splines?
You mean the walls created by the bikes?
Spawning mesh after mesh with a timer to make it delete, or a limit of some sort.
It’s pretty straightforward to do at runtime actually.
Create an array to keep track
just add one static mesh component after the other based on the position of the vehicle.
Feed it to the array with an add.
If the array lenght is > 10, get the first value, remove the mesh (destroy component), pop the array value.
For turns/curves you would need to leverage the spline component and a properly vertexd mesh.
the spline points can probably be managed in a similar way by the array. The challange becomes defining the sharpness of the turns…
Thanks for the answers, I would like to find some more spectacular clue…
This will get you started on the spline part…
umm, thanks Geezius I had not found this video.