Troll Toll

Hey I’m happy to share my latest unreal project, looking further into customizing metahuman’s.

I decided to present it as a teaser video for a potential game idea.

I post wips and some breakdown content here:


This project started with an Asset from 3dScanStore Male22

Which i sculpted in blender

Took through the metahuman creator pipeline

I then exported the metahuman facemesh back into blender and resculpted to get back some of teh shapes that had been lost in process

The generated metahuman diffuse and normal maps where then replaced with the maps from 3DScan Store.

Generated Maps

3D Scan Store maps

By subtracting and dividing the expression maps from the neutral textures I was able to overlay the generated expression textures onto the scanned texture.

I did various photoshop operations to distort the diffuse map into something more troll like.

I added some armour from am artstation pack and sculpted it a bit further. I then developed a shader that reads from vertex baked AO and Curvature to add material layers over a base metal

Then it was a matter of using the livelink app and recording takes and bringing it all together in sequencer…

I hope you like the project!

I install and build the latest version of UE 5.5 to try to enable nanite and displacement on the face skeletal mesh but I only got crashes so I’ll put that on the back burner for now. But if anyone has had any luck turning on nanite and displacement on a metahuman I would greatly appreciate any tips!


Hi there @EDRED,

Hope you’re well and having a great week so far :slight_smile:

As a huge fan of all things nerd-fantasy this got me super hyped for any game that includes this rather proud troll. The character design feels so reminiscent of Golem from LoTR mixed with the goblins from Baldurs Gate. A beautiful combo if I dare say :smiley:

Any hints on what type of game you intend on potentially making? And are any other characters being made soon?

Hey thanks for the comment.

Definitely some Gollum inspiration :slight_smile:

I had imagined it as a sort of tower defence roguelike with souls style third person combat.

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A tower defense with a story sounds so rad actually. Especially with Souls combat. I really hope to see more :slight_smile: Happy developing until next time!

After some feedback, I have done a new version, shorter, with more subtle lighting, clearer sound and a new title…

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