First off, this is my first post as I just downloaded Unreal Engine a couple of days ago. The community seems to be very collaborative. I’m gauging interest in a plugin from our software directly into UE4.
I founded Trnio, 3D scanning software. For fun, I imported some of our models taken from iPhones into the Unreal Engine. Attached is a link to a video. The models in the video are low-res, and just used to test functionality.
I think we can automated the Trnio to UE4 import process to where you could easily scan something on your phone, and then see it on your UE4 library. My question is what features should I include in a plugin to make importing objects easy?
So far, I’m thinking of the following:
- ability to choose texture size (1K to 4K)
- ability to simplify mesh while keeping textures hi-res
- ability to crop meshes
- ability to position, rotate object to get correct orientation
PS. Moderators, if this is the wrong place for this post, please redirect.