TriggerSphere activating even at zero scale

I have a TriggerSphere I’m using to overlap with objects as it scales up via a Timeline. But, it’s activating in the level before I activate the timeline (i.e. while it’s scale is at 0 0 0).


  • TriggerSphere actor scale is set to 0 0 0 in the level
  • its Sphere Radius is set to 2500 (which remains static)
  • the Timeline animates the actor scale from 0 to 1 (i.e. from 0 to 2500)
  • the Timeline is set up to fire after an interaction


  • Before I interact and activate the Timeline, the TriggerSphere is registering overlap events when I walk into and out of the sphere at an arbitrary distance.
  • this distance does seem to respond to some combination of the actor root scale and the shape sphere radius, but I’m not sure how it’s working.
  • ex. if I set the scale to 1, then it does exactly what I’d expect; generating overlaps at the exact radius from the placed actor (say sphere radius = 300, then at 300 from the actor, it registers a BeginOverlap)
  • However, if I set the scale to 0, then the sphere radius to 2500; it doesn’t generate an overlap at 0 or 2500, but around 300-400 (estimating).

What’s the deal here?

I have tried to bypass this issue by directly driving the TriggerSphere’s shape radius with the Timeline, but can’t figure out how to reference the component and expose it in the level BP.

Thanks for any ideas!

If you make Sphere Scale static and its Radius dynamic will your problem remain?

To my understanding (which is middling at best), I can’t make the radius dynamic. And, I think if I set the scale to static, the Timeline won’t be able to drive it dynamically, right?

Here’s a shot of the settings I’m talking about:


Hi! How about that?

If you have CollisionComponent cast to SphereComponent and then SetSphereRadius. If you have regular CollisionSphere again SetSphereRadius.

worked like a charm. you, my friend, are a BAMF. thank you!