I have these moving deathwalls. They trigger a hit for me when they hit the player. I’ve used variants of them in ping pong motion on several levels. This level I decided to have multiple flying forward at my player. Along the way, they hit something invisible. I tested to see what they are hitting, and its my player BP even when im not there.
None whatsoever. Ima call it a night. Ill try moving the items at 0,0,0 tomorrow and see if that clears the hit or not. If so I’ll report back what was causing it.
If none of that’s causing it, I can only think that maybe somethings in my persistent level. idk.
I used f8 to move everything while paused. Still finding an invisible collission. Im stumped. My work around is to avoid 0,0,0 and just move the entirety of the map up a couple k on the z axis. But I’d rather understand the problem than avoid it.
Ah, another possibility. Have you written your own character?
If you’ve written the movement, there’s a good chance you’re moving the visible part, but not the actor. So your visible pawn is moving around the level, but the actor is stilll at 0,0,0.
I have written my own movement, but I assume the actor would still spawn at the player start regardless yes? Or is that a bad assumption?
If that is the issue, how do I go about fixing it it so the actor is out of the way or moves with the player? I don’t actually put players in the world, I just use the player start item.
The game had created a component for collision handling in my char BP. I had a custom one. Short story is it wasn’t actually attached to the character ( and oddly would not let me attach it to the character ). I deleted the component and its running fine now. So my char was spawning at the player start but this component spawned at 0,0,0 lol.
Yea I didn’t find it till I started looking at ALL individual components of each item on the map after pressing play. Never thought to look through until you said it could be the pawn is fine but the actors not.
Thats when I investigated each mesh component lol.