Hi all,
I’m currently working on a project that’s using a sequencer to play animations. At a specific part in this sequence there’s to be a lightning strike sound to a specific location within the game world.
I’ve added an Event Track in the sequencer and created a custom event and the Sequencer successfully triggers the Custom event. However, it seems to play the sounds front end (2D). -I know if you play audio from an audio track in the sequencer it will play these front end, but this is triggering a custom event from the level blueprint.
In said blueprint I’ve added an actor to the game world at the location I want the sound to play at, and using that to get the location for the ‘Spawn Sound At Location’ node. as far as I know, this should play the sounds within the 3D game world and thus give it spacialization. however, it’s not playing the audio with spacialization/attenuation. it always plays the audio front end.
Here’s what I’m doing:
I’m clearly missing something here, it’s playing the sounds I want at the time I want in the sequencer, but it’s not playing the sounds in the game world (Even when I give the spawn sound at location explicit location cords) or giving them spacialization in any way. I’m fairly confident it should play the sounds in the 3D space, but I’ll be damned if I can work out how.