In my game, I have a main menu UI widget that pops up whenever you start the game. I have a play button that takes you to the third person template map when pressed (thus essentially starting the game). I want to have it so that when you press play, it starts a cinematic sequence camera animation, however, I can’t seem to link up the button pressed to the sequence starting.
Any ideas? I’ve scoured the internet and I think the forums are my best shot.
Thanks for the help,
Blueprint not C++ for anyone wondering
By “taking to the third person template” you mean you load a map or close the widget to see the map?
Do have a sequence with all the camera animation placed inside level?
closes the widget to see the map
Edit: I have the camera sequence animation already set up, I just can’t figure out how to link a camera separate from the ThirdPersonCharacter to the viewport
Try using SetViewTargetWithBlend node, for camera switching purposes. Here’s a good video of how it’s done. HTF do I? Change Cameras in Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints - YouTube
I recommend you to subscribe to Mathew, he has videos explaining almost every node you might find in UEditor blueprints.