trigger WaveAsset Index from BLUEPRINT

Hello, I’m trying to play certain indexes from a array inside my MetaSound Source. I set up a simple MS Source and created a keyboard input inside my BP_FirstPersonCharacter. When pressing X it plays a sound. The MS has three sounds inside for the arrays. It says index 0-2. In another thread (Setting Metasounds Variable - #50 by khazum) I read it only works with input not with variables from a BP. But it does not, it always plays the first sound, index 0. How can I trigger the other two indexes? thanks for any help

Hi, your MS setup is fine, it’s the BP graph that needs fixing :
First, the PlaySound2D node creates a new audio component and plays it, not using your MS Audio at all. So instead, add a Play node before the SetIntegerParameter, and connect MS Audio as its target.
Seconds, your’e jusfully using a SetIntegerParameter node that says “Target is Audio Component”, but it’s a legacy node for sound cues. Replace it with a node that goes by the same name, but says “Target is Audio Parameter Controller Interface”, keeping MS Audio connected to its target pin.
Input"X" > Play > Set int.
Hope this helps :slight_smile:

thanks a lot, I will give it a try. How do we know what is a legacy node and what are nodes for MetaSounds? I was thinking about this wile working on it. A bit confusing. First I will try out your suggestions :+1:

it is working as expected :pray: basically it was working all the time as I thought but with the wrong nodes. Thanks so much