Trigger volume with custom events?

Images and documentation? Dude just use a boolean in the trigger and if the said boolean is not true don’t let the character to do the hit trace…

How could I set it up so a line trace won’t start a custom event until the character is inside a trigger volume? Images and documentation would be helpful too.

No need to be so condescending. Everyone’s gotta start somewhere.

Also, your reply makes no sense to me. This is why I asked for images.

I’d make it the other way around: the line trace is inactive until the character enters the trigger volume. Unless the line trace is used in other cases.

But DDemon is right. Just set a boolean variable in the Character Blueprint that will and change it to True when the character enters the trigger volume. And check that boolean before the event you want to trigger.

The trigger volume is a sphere collision attached to another object. Any pointers on how to reference it in the character blueprint?

You don’t really have to. You can set the Sphere collision to ignore everything but overlap Pawn, create a Begin Overlap event for the Character Collision Capsule and check if it overlaps the sphere, and change the bool. Or make an overlap event for the Sphere (either in a blueprint where the Sphere is, or in the Level blueprint), and check if it’s overlapped by Character. In this case you’ll have to Cast to your character class and then change the boll there.

It’s not condescending, what you just asked have the same weight as to 1+1 in math, it just shows that you didn’t even try to research it. Here some videos on booleans for ue4 Working With Booleans - #9 Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Tutorial Series - YouTube Branches & Conditioning - #10 Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Tutorial Series - YouTube

So I’ve found that this setup works. Only problem is I can’t figure out how to stop the event happening when the character is outside the trigger. The event won’t work if you’re outside the trigger at first, but it will still work if you enter and then immediately leave the trigger and fire the event off again (for obvious reasons, I haven’t set up the end overlap yet). Though I can’t seem to get it working right? Any ideas?

Is it the Character Blueprint?

Use the Begin Overlap and End Overlap to set the Test Bool to True or False.

Use the Test Bool in a branch that checks if you can start your custom event or not. They don’t have to be connected to each other.

And Sweep is totally unrelated here, don’t use it.

This is the blueprint for an interactive mesh in the world actually. But that seems more like it. I know I could probably set it up a bit better (switch the Branch with the boolean nodes so I only have to use one Set Test Bool node maybe?) but this works for now. Thank you!