I have created a new Game Mode-Player controller so I can swap from my usual character to a boat. I got it to work, but I want that it only works when the character is inside a trigger volume. The image is the blueprint from the Player Controller.
Hey dafinemiguez,
You could either put a trigger in the player bp or boat bp. I suggest the boat. OnOverlap you can check if the player inside the trigger connecting a cast to thirdpersonbp from the other actor. In your thirdperson have a boolean that is “can boat” or something and set it to true if the cast is a success. Then in your “Enter” button press, check if this variable is true and then continue the code. Youre also going to want to set the variable to false once the overlap is exited by the player. Let me know how this works!
Thank you, it worked!! But now the exit option doesn’t work.
Player Controller Blueprint:
Boat blueprint:
think youre having a problem because you are casting “boat” to thirdpersoncharacter. You should probably still be casting the player controller. You also want to remember to set the “can boat” to false when exitting, otherwise if you hit enter when you are not in the trigger after leaving it, you can still possess the boat