I have set up this little blueprint to rotate a static mesh when entering a trigger box and reversing it when leaving the box. The first rotation always works (even though both the begin and the end overlap nodes are triggered) but after leaving the box nothing happenes. After breaking the update link on the timeline node the overlap nodes seem to work correctly. Did i miss something?
Hi, nilpnicn,
Sounds like because of the rotation, your static mesh might be leaving the overlap as soon as it entered. If it rotates, both events fire but if it doesn’t rotate, that doesn’t happen, right? Maybe use a sphere collision on your mesh for the overlap detection? That way detection remains the same no matter what. Or try adding a small delay before the timeline.
Hm, looking at it closer, you have the box trigger as a component inside the blueprint? And on overlap you are rotating self, so the actor that contains the trigger itself? Shouldn’t the set actor rotation be targeting the actor that entered the overlap? I don’t quite understand the intention there.