I’ve got a trigger that fires off a forcefeedback event when the player goes down the wrong route in a maze, however when the player then turns round and goes the right way the event fires off again as the player goes over the same trigger.
How can I fix this so the player can only activate the trigger in a certain direction or at least only fire once and then wait a few seconds so that the player has time to cross over it?
the easiest way would probably be to make the trigger big enough, so the player doesnt even leaves it, when walking in the wrong direction and then turning around. Another methode could be to disable collision after the feedback and then let another trigger (placed at the right way) enable it again( therfore it would be disabled once the player passes it and it wont be reset(ed?) until he already moved somewhere you know he changed his path). Third one would be to attache your disable collision after the forcedfeedback - I think this should also work
Thanks for your reply, but I’m probably confusing people somewhat.
The trigger needs to work again as the player can come back to the same section of wrong route and in this case it needs to fire again, so I need something tio disable collision for a few seconds and I cant figure out how.
well, all 3 suggestions work this way. 1. If you make the trigger big enough so the player doesnt leave it in an appropriated range to turn the right way it will work like you want it. 2. print string, play forcedfeedback, disable the collision let another trigger on the right route enable the collision again or 3. use both of your ideas you posted: print the string, play the forcedfeedback, disable collision, delay a few seconds and enable collision again