Trigger event with button+platform

Hello guys! I want to make a quiz game. it consist in a group of platforms, each of them have a different event, I like to trigger that event only when I press a button and my character is on that platform.
something like Conker’s Bad fur Day. when he’s on a “B” platform if i press that button, only in that platform it triggers an action.

I suppose there are much ways to do this. and Im new on this. what kind of elements should I use to trigger an action only if im on a platform and press a button? i’m really new on this and i want to know what things do i need to do this.

one method would be to have a way that enables or disables input to the actor when you are overlapping it. basically on begin overlap enable input, on end overlap disable input. you could easily do this in a blueprint actor or in the level bp. below is an example which shows what im talking about. in the below example if im not overlapping the actor i could press E all i liked but nothing would happen. but if i press it and am overlapping then it will execute the script.

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thanks for answer, dude!! excuse me, but will this disable the movement controller too? i mean, if im overlapping the platform, and the event disable the controller, will this disable all other buttons?

Nope. What im showing here is a individual blueprint actor and each one has the ability to accept input feom the player, this is what we are limiting. So the inly thing we are limiting is the blueprints ability to accept input. Look at the enable input node, its target is set to self meaning the bp actor , if you had the target set as the player controller though it would disable all input like you mentioned