Trigger boxes not triggering at low framerates

I have a racing game that involves flying a quadcopter through a checkpoint at really high speeds. The checkpoint has to be thin to simulate real life. I’ve noticed at low framerates the checkpoints just won’t trigger.

I’ve tried using both “on begin overlap” and “on end overlap”, and that didn’t fix it.

I tried making the checkpoint thicker, that didn’t help either, and like I said, the checkpoints have to be pretty thin (like 5-10 units). In the picture, it’s up to 20 units thick.

I tried turning up the position/velocity solvers and that seemed like it helped a little, but the problem still persists


I tried turning on Constant Collision Detection, that didn’t help either

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This can be a bug, reportet it here:

What are you saying is a low frame rate? If it’s less than 30 i could see you having issues with the physics, especially if you have already played with the Solver Count etc.

Have you looked at the framerate and substepping options, nice info can be found here?

Thanks for the help guys!

The problem is, my pawn is moving too fast for it to trigger such a thin checkpoint. I was able to fix this with a line trace.

I start by setting the pawn’s current location, then I wait one tick and it’s location again, to a separate variable. Then I draw a line between the two points and see if it goes through a checkpoint. This tells me if the pawn went through a checkpoint between ticks.